Find out about diagnosis, treatments and living with secondary breast cancer.
The day I contacted Breast Cancer Now was a real turning point. I went to the website to see what information and services were available. This helped me understand what was happening to me and made me feel more positive and confident about going through treatment.
Cynthia, Breast Cancer Now services user
Talk to our breast care nurses
If you have a particular concern about breast cancer or just want to talk, our specialist nurses and trained staff are here for you.
Our free app has tips and personal stories to help you move forward after diagnosis and treatment.
Information for you
Whether you’re looking for information about breast cancer diagnosis and treatment or breast health, you can rely on our award-winning range of publications, written by clinical specialists.
We offer talks to workplaces and community groups through trained staff and volunteers on request. This covers topics such as signs and symptoms, the NHS breast screening programme, dispelling common myths and misconceptions and what you can do to help reduce your risk of breast cancer.