Thank you for taking the time to register for our Living with Secondary Breast Cancer online services. Here you can register for either our online programme, our virtual meetings, or both.

We’re committed to providing people affected by breast cancer with the highest quality services and we need to have some information about you to make sure that this is the right service for you, meet any particular needs you may have and manage our relationship with you sensitively and appropriately. We will also use this information to provide our service and look at who attends, helping to make sure that our services are accessible to everyone and identifying any areas where we may need to improve. Thank you so much for helping us.

We will use the information you provide in the way we’ve outlined above and (where relevant) in the ways we’ve outlined in the sections below. If you provide details about your health or other sensitive information, we will use it in the same way. If you no longer want us to use your information in these ways, you can get in touch using the contact details at the end of this form to discuss withdrawing your permission.

1 Start 2 Complete

About you

We know that it can feel a little daunting attending a meeting for the first time

You might have some questions about what the meetings are like and what people talk about in them.

You might find it helpful to speak to our counsellor that facilitates these meetings before you attend for the first time. This will be a short phone call, an opportunity for the counsellor to introduce themselves and for you to ask any questions you may have.

Other updates from Breast Cancer Now

We’d like to send you updates on our research, the support we provide, breast health information and our wider work to achieve our aims. We’d also like to tell you ways you can help us further, including by donating, fundraising, campaigning and volunteering. If you already hear from us, we will continue to contact you in the same way.

If you haven’t heard from us before now, please tick the box to show that you are happy to be contacted by:

How we use your information

From time to time, we may contact you by telephone and post about Breast Cancer Now, to keep you updated on our work and ways you can help. You can change the way you hear from us at any time by emailing us at or calling us on 0333 20 70 300.

To help us to work more efficiently, we may analyse your information to make sure you receive the most relevant communications, and to target our digital advertising. This may include using publicly available information. You can ask us to stop this at any time, by contacting us using the above contact details. You can read more about how we will use your information in our Privacy policy.

Equal opportunities monitoring

Breast Cancer Now is committed to equality of opportunity for all. The following questions are not compulsory, but by giving us this information we can better meet our service users’ needs and make our services as accessible as possible.