Close up photos of a woman touching her chest, wearing a floral dressing gown in her bedroom.

Touch Look Check

Anyone can get breast cancer. Get to know your normal by checking your breasts regularly.

Touch your breasts. Look for changes. Check anything new or unusual with a GP. What's your normal?

A young woman with long curly black hair wearing a light blue vest, checks her under arm breast area in the mirror

Learn what to look for

Your breasts can change for many reasons – like the menopause, pregnancy and breastfeeding, puberty or even during your period. So, if you check them regularly, you’ll be able to spot any new or unusual changes that should be checked out by a GP.

Anyone can get breast cancer

  • Image of a blonde woman standing in a bathroom, wearing a bathrobe and checking her chest with her left hand.

    Breast cancer in younger women

    2,300 women under 40 are diagnosed with breast cancer every year. Make a habit of checking by putting a reminder in your phone or diary.

    Find out more
  • Image of a middle-aged man with his shirt off checking his chest with his left hand.

    Support for men

    Men can get breast cancer too. Although it’s rare, 370 men are diagnosed each year. So, it’s important for men to be body aware.

    Find out more
  • A shoulder-height image of a younger woman checking her right armpit with her left hand.

    Breast cancer in ethnic communities

    In the UK, breast cancer is less common in women from South Asian, black, Chinese and mixed communities. But they face lower survival rates.

    Find out more

Watch: What's your normal?

Felt or seen anything unusual? If so, contact a GP and get it checked out.

Spread the word – Touch Look Check

A basic drawing of a loudspeaker, using pink for the main body of the speaker and a red line around its edges.

Learn about public health talks

Our talks cover important information on breast cancer, so you can raise awareness in the community.

Public health talks
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Pink icon symbolising a hand touching

Learn what to look out for

Get to know your breasts with some TLC - Touch Look Check.

Learn what to look for

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