Support for healthcare professionals

We offer you free webinars, events and resources, to help you support people affected by breast care. For even more support, sign up to our Healthcare Professional Hub for exclusive access to our past webinars and specialist interest groups


Join our free hub for healthcare professionals

Become a member and get access to our library of webinars to support your CPD and professional revalidation. You'll be able to join one of our specialist interest groups for sharing best practice, and we'll send you our ebulletin every month.

Profile photo of Sally Kum

At Breast Cancer Now, we really value the work of healthcare professionals. Through support and collaboration, we aim to help you deliver the best possible treatment, information, and support for your patients.

Sally Kum, associate director
Healthcare professional hub member

Not a member? You can still access all of our free resources

An icon image, basically drawn, of a laptop with the screen on. The drawing is pink and red. 2 red lines denote that the screen is on.

Join free evening webinars

Join free evening webinars led by our clinical nurse specialists

Webinars and events
10330 BCN Icons RGB Working Doc 2021 Booklet

Resources for healthcare professionals

Find resources that you can use in clinical practice to support you and your patients

Image of a pink lightbulb drawing

Development and revalidation

Review our patient information, contribute to talks on our webinars or join a Facebook Live session

Development and revalidation
Simply drawn icon image of a signpost, in pink with a red outline. The signpost points east and west, representing a person's freedom of choice.

Information points

Free stands to display our health information in breast screening units, hospitals and hospices

Our information points

Our Service Pledge to improve breast cancer services

We work with patients and healthcare professionals to come up with plans to improve breast cancer services. Find out how this works, and read about our successes so far.