Webinars and events

Breast Cancer Now healthcare professional webinars and external training and events

Upcoming Breast Cancer Now webinars 

Facilitated by our clinical nurse specialists, our healthcare professional webinars are designed to support your practice and development.

Sessions are free to join and run for an hour. They include expert speakers covering a range of topics on breast cancer, treatments, side effect management and new developments. 

Participation certificates for your NMC revalidation are available following each webinar.

Please note, our webinars are only open to healthcare professionals in UK practice. This is because the information we share, produce and collaborate on is all based on UK clinical practice and guidelines. 


AI for good: understanding women's decisions on breast reconstruction with Project BeliEVE

30 April 2025, 7pm

In this webinar, Toni Ward and Louise McKenna present their innovative research Project BeliEVE and how it informed and shaped their resulting visual decision aid ‘The Book of Boobs’.

They will discuss their findings and the impact of AI-driven conversations. They will also explore how imagery can transform the decision-making process for women considering breast reconstruction and explain how fine art photography can help to educate and empower women to feel supported in making informed choices about surgery.

Register here


CAN-EMPOWER: an online intervention to build confidence to self-manage the psychological impact of cancer

This webinar is a part of Mental Health Awareness Week in May. 

13 May 2025, 7pm

In this webinar, Professor Lynn Calman will explore the development of CAN-EMPOWER, a freely available evidence-based online resource, to enhance confidence to self-manage psychological problems associated with cancer.

Register here

Watch previous webinars 

You need to be a member of our healthcare professionals hub to watch the recordings of our previous webinars. Any HCP can sign up to be a member, just fill in our form online.

Recordings of past webinars and the resources will be uploaded to the healthcare professionals hub members area around a week after the live webinar is held. You can also download a certificate of attendance and a resource sheet for each webinar in our healthcare professionals hub too.

External training and events

ABS Conference 

19-20 May 2025, Birmingham 

The ABS Conference 2025 is a 2-day event for breast care professionals, covering sessions on breast cancer treatment, mastectomy techniques, AI in surgery and more.

Visit the Breast Cancer Now stand to find out more about our new health information publications and the breast reconstruction nursing network.

Register here

Symposium Mammographicum 

9-11 July 2025, Bournemouth

The Symposium Mammographicum 2025 is the leading conference on breast imaging technology. The conference programme aims to bring together healthcare professionals from multiple disciplines to examine topics at the forefront of breast imaging, with a spotlight on inequalities and diversity in breast imaging services this year.  

Visit the Breast Cancer Now stand at the conference to learn more about our screening campaign and educational and support services for healthcare professionals. 

Register here

3 October 2025, London

This year the Royal Marsden Hot Topics meeting will have a special focus on the multi-disciplinary approach to patient aftercare and symptom management. It will cover the latest oncology updates, integration of molecular testing into daily clinical practice and focus on the debate around loco-regional management of breast cancer, especially following neoadjuvant systemic therapy. 

The meeting is open to all professionals who are involved in looking after women with breast cancer, including clinicians and senior nurses.

Register here

Any questions?

Please email the healthcare professional engagement team if you have any questions or queries. 

Email us

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