
Breast Cancer Voices

Real lives. Real experiences. Real change.

People affected by breast cancer are at the heart of everything we do

Breast Cancer Voices is made up of people whose lives have been changed by breast cancer.

They transform our work through sharing their experience and collaborating on projects. And they influence breast cancer research, policy and care across the UK to create positive change for the future.

Become a Breast Cancer Voice today.

Hear how our community use their voices influence change

Breast Cancer Voices is for anyone affected by breast cancer who wants to improve things for people affected by breast cancer, now and in the future. No matter your age, background or experience, there's something for you! Find out how our Voices use their diverse experiences to get involved and create change


Get involved as much or as little as you like

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Connect with people with real experiences

Meet other Voices with diverse experiences of breast cancer.

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Regular opportunities to get involved

All Voices receive our monthly email bulletin with the latest opportunities to get involved.

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Collaborate on projects

You can collaborate on projects with staff, researchers, hospitals, and more.

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Influence research, policy and care

You can influence breast cancer research, policy and care to create positive change.

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Choose to become a Louder Voice

Sign up as a louder Voice and hear from us more often with personalised opportunities.

Selfie of Claire

The Voices network was a way to get back control. It gave me the chance to have a say and influence breast cancer support, even in a small way. It felt like an incredibly positive thing to do after the negativity of my diagnosis.

Breast Cancer Voice


Join us

We’d love to have you onboard. Your involvement will help us be there for anyone affected by breast cancer.

If you’d prefer to get bulletins in the post, or have any questions, you can contact us at or 0114 263 6124.

Become a Breast Cancer Voice