I’ve had breast cancer – and I’m blind
Eve’s fingers numbed due to treatment, and for six months she struggled to go about her daily life. She shares how she coped.
Secondary breast cancer made me realise what is most important to me
After one and a half years living with secondary breast cancer, Charlie sadly died earlier this year. She worked with us to tell her story. ...
I didn't let myself recover mentally after treatment
After Lauren's treatment ended she desperately wanted to return to ‘normal’, but became overwhelmed with anxiety. She tells us how she coped...
Five tips for managing scans and results
Kate, who has secondary breast cancer, gives her tips on managing scanxiety and upcoming appointments.
Five tips for losing weight after breast cancer
Emma struggled when she gained weight during breast cancer treatment. She shares five tips that helped her on her weight loss journey.
I planned my wedding while going through chemotherapy
Cliona was 24 and newly engaged when she found out she had breast cancer. She shares why she kept her spirits up and how her loved ones help...
I couldn’t get it out of my head that my children would grow up without a mummy
Kim's walking in The Show London to show other women who have had a double mastectomy that they are still beautiful.
I had to confront my own mortality
Yoga and meditation helped Catherine come to terms with her diagnosis. Here she shares her top tips for finding calm during and after treatm...
It was hard for friends to understand how I felt
Julia felt isolated as a young, gay woman with breast cancer. Now she shares her experience with other young women.
Coming out as gay helped me prepare for breast cancer
When Ruth was diagnosed with breast cancer she wondered what it would mean for her relationship. She shares how her experiences have taught ...
Should I want to know my prognosis?
Rebecca, diagnosed with incurable, secondary breast cancer earlier in 2018, looks at what a prognosis means to her, and whether it would cha...
How I supported my daughter through breast cancer
Dennis lost his wife and later his partner to breast cancer. When his daughter Sarah was diagnosed, his experience helped him give her the s...
I was shocked to find out what breast cancer really felt like
Psychologist Dr Cordelia Galgut was used to supporting women with breast cancer. But after her own diagnosis she truly understood what they ...
My story: breast reconstruction
We speak to three women about their different experiences and choices around breast reconstruction.
Five things that helped me move forward after treatment
One year on, Fran looks back at how she felt after treatment and how far she has come since then.
I felt empowered by choosing not to have a reconstruction
Juliet, from Hertfordshire, explains how she had thought that a breast reconstruction was inevitable, and how realising it wasn’t was ...
I was diagnosed aged 21
Liz, from Southend, was told she had the altered BRCA gene after being diagnosed. She tells us how she felt as a young woman with breast can...
Ten tips for getting through chemo
Laura tells us about her experience of chemotherapy and shares her top tips for getting through treatment.
Christmas is still magical despite my secondary diagnosis
Kate was diagnosed three years after the death of her husband. She tells us how she's learnt to grab opportunities and make the most of Chri...
‘What can I do to help?’ How to support someone through treatment
It can be hard to know how to help someone who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Bex gives us her tips that helped her when she started...
I thought I was the only one experiencing fatigue
After treatment ended, Betty struggled with fatigue. She realised she wasn't the only one, and gives her top tips on how to manage it.
Hoping to click: dating and breast cancer
Seven women share their stories of dating after a breast cancer diagnosis.
How I stayed active during chemotherapy
Breast surgeon Liz O’Riordan explains how she managed to stay active during treatment for breast cancer.
Radiotherapy: I knew what to expect but the reality was quite different
Alice-May Purkiss, who was diagnosed with breast cancer in July 2015 aged 26, describes the reality of having radiotherapy.
Donna Fraser's experience
Hear from Donna Fraser OBE about why it’s so important to go for screening.
Kaur's experience
Hear from Kaur about the importance of breast screening as a woman from the South Asian community.