After his breast cancer diagnosis, Reuben wants to do everything he can to raise awareness of male breast cancer.

I’m 53 and I live on my own in East Devon. I’m a self-employed telehandler operator.

My hobbies include playing the saxophone, which I've done since I was 11, and using remote-control cars. I like to take the cars to the skate park or beach and bash them to pieces. It's brilliant fun and I enjoy repairing them after and trying to make them bulletproof.

People didn’t know men could get breast cancer

I found out I had breast cancer just before Christmas 2022. Once I was told I’d need chemotherapy and surgery, I gave up the house I rented for 14 years and moved in with my parents. I honestly don’t know how I would have coped on my own.

I started chemo in March, and that wasn’t the most pleasant thing to be honest. That continued till June, followed by surgery in August, and then I had radiotherapy in November. I'm still having chemotherapy now as a preventative treatment, but I only have 4 treatments left.

There's still such a stigma around male breast cancer. Some people laughed in my face when I told them I had breast cancer, they didn’t believe me. I had to explain that it wasn’t a joke and that I've had chemotherapy and a mastectomy. They said they didn't know that men could get breast cancer.

I managed to walk 75 miles between my chemo treatments

After my chemo and surgery, I was very unfit after sitting around for 6 months. I saw the Walk 100 Miles Challenge on Facebook and I thought it was perfect. I knew it would be a great way to get some sort of fitness, and I wanted to give something back to Breast Cancer Now, for all the help its leaflets had given me. I started walking and before the end of October, I completed the 100 miles and I raised just over £1000.

Just over a year later, I'm making a good recovery

I recently moved into a lodge at my parent’s place and it's nice to have my space again. I'm certain my parents feel the same. I'm so lucky that they’ve helped me as much as they have. I’m also starting to find work again.

Reuben and son

Taking part in the wear it pink photoshoot was brilliant fun

My son Fred came to the shoot with me. One thing cancer does to you is bring you closer to your family. Over the last year or so, I've definitely found that out. I'm so glad I got to share the experience with Fred. Having our pictures taken together was good fun. 

Be proud, wear it loud and raise awareness

I think wearing pink to raise awareness is one of the best things I could do, I can't recommend it enough. I feel so fortunate for the outcome I’ve had. I know lots of people don't have that outcome because the cancer has already spread. Raising awareness can save lives, it's so important. 


Will you join Reuben and wear it pink in October?

Wear pink. Raise money. Help us drive forward breast cancer research and support.

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